Steps to Lighten the Burden During Your Divorce

Getting a divorce is not only heart-breaking, but it can also be frustrating as you try to come up with a resolution that will make both parties happy. Divorce can be even more stressful when children are involved or if you and your spouse have accumulated valuable assets during your years of marriage. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to lighten the burden of your divorce.

Know the State Laws

Each state has its own laws regarding divorce. For instance, some states allow for legal separations before a divorce is final while others do not. It's important to understand your state's laws so you'll know your options.

Hire a Dependable Lawyer

The lawyer you choose is of utmost importance, as a lawyer can guide you through the process and help you avoid pitfalls. Divorce lawyers can help you protect your assets as well as help with the mediation process or a court trial if necessary. A lawyer also understands the laws in your state and how they apply to your marital situation. When many assets and/or children are involved, you should find a divorce lawyer that can assist with all aspects of the divorce, including child custody and visitation orders, establishing paternity (if questionable), prenuptial agreements when applicable, mediation, and in some cases, arbitration.

Choose a lawyer in your area that has achieved an AV Peer Review Rating. This means the lawyer has practiced law for many years and has demonstrated excellence in the field, with a high level of integrity and skill. A divorce lawyer should be able to help with all legal aspects of your divorce while still realizing that real people are involved along with a great deal of emotion. It's crucial for a divorce lawyer to listen intently and understand what your needs are so you'll know how to move forward.

Avoid Financial Woes of Divorce

Besides child custody, finances often hinder divorce proceedings because each party feels that he/she should receive a fair share of the income, assets, etc. There are also issues with child support and alimony that should be carefully considered before moving forward. If at all possible, try to come to an amiable agreement that both of you can live with before proceeding with a divorce. Keep accurate financial records for work, taxes, home loans and appraisals, vehicles, stocks and investments, debts and other living expenses. Try to be considerate of your spouse and what his/her needs are now and what they will be in the future. Once the divorce is final, both parties should be able to say they were treated fairly. In cases of abuse or neglect, you may have to obtain a restraining order. A court trial might be the only option in some situations.

Mediation Instead of a Court Trial

If at all possible, try to settle your differences and come to a final agreement through a court-appointed mediator. A mediator listens to both parties and acts as a peaceful go-between to resolve differences. Coming to an agreement through this method enables you to finalize your divorce without a nasty, drawn-out court trial. Speak with your divorce lawyer early on about mediation and how you can best move forward with this process. If your spouse is agreeable, it can save both of you many headaches as well as expense in the future.

When seeking information about divorce, use online resources to find helpful information about the entire process. Keyword searches using specific locations can help you find a good lawyer in your local area. For example, type in "divorce lawyer Fort Lauderdale, Florida" to find a lawyer in Fort Lauderdale. Or, to find information about state laws in Florida, you can type, "divorce laws Florida."

Use these steps to help your divorce process go smoothly. Your entire family will benefit, and you'll soon be able to move forward with life.

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