ITT Tech Sucks

I went to Ft Lauderdale, FL ITT Tech thinking that I would learn how to animate and other multimedia based training and found out the hard way that the school was really messed up in many different ways. None of the instructors knew the courses they were teaching and I had to help most of them teach the classes because I knew more than they did about the subjects. I stayed there because I figured my work would speak for itself (which it has) and I just wanted the degree to prove I knew what I was doing if a job I wanted required it. This video was created because I ended up getting a B in a class and when I got my report card, they said I had an F. I found out there was a screw up in their system because someone input wrong grades for all the students and about two weeks later they ended up fixing my grades. From what I heard, They were under investigation for accreditation fraud and ended up changing everyone's grades to make everything look more legit but in the process ended up losing the REAL grades which students earned. I did do great the whole time I was there since I knew more about all the software than anyone else there. I never ended up learning how to animate though (which is why I applied in the first place) because none of the instructors really knew how to either. Two out of the 3 animation instructors at that school didn't even have a degree in that field. I now have a great job though and have also done freelancing for over 2 years. It really is all about ...

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