Surf fishing for whiting

Spring is the time of the year that millions of people head to Florida for spring break. People from the north are tired of the cold weather and a holiday to the south is necessary. I am one of those people from the north and I can not wait for my trip this spring. In my travels I am heading to the beach as well as many others. While many people come here for a nice family holiday, there are a lot of people come here to fish. I know that is not fishing your number can be onePriority, but if you can get a chance to get to the beach, you will experience something fun saltwater fishing. The most popular fish that is caught in the surf in Florida, the whiting. These fish are smaller fish usually 10 to 15 inch range and they are pretty thin.

The surf is usually loaded with whiting in Florida, so that it appears to be a popular fish to catch. For anglers who only receive a few hours on their trip to fish, they want a promotion andWhiting will be provided for them. You can catch these fish with a piece of shrimp on a small hook. You need to go from a rather large weight on your bait get pushed into the waves, but if you are set up, fishing is quite simple.

You can use a medium-action rod with 10 to 12 pound test, but I like it a 20-pound flourocarbon leader in case I bump into something larger to use with a few teeth. If you come across a real Big Fish, you will likely receive the spooledLight tackle, so you can fish with 20 pound test it safe. There are many other species of fish that can be found in the surf, so you never know what take your bait.

You now have the right set up to throw your bait out there beyond the surf. Most of the whiting I can tell, are within 10 to 30 meters from the crashing waves. They will catch it further out as well, but I do best a little closer in. You can set your rod in a PVC pipe and relax in a chair, but to catch more Fish, I want to work a stick, so I can set the hook immediately when I feel a fish take my bait.

If you do everything that I propose, be you ready to catch a few whiting. Well, here's my biggest tip for catching more fish. Head out to the surf in a sea change. The tidal change everything comes together and fish will go on a feeding Spree. To make sure the tide for the day and plan your trip to the beach to check accordingly.

If you are planning a trip> Florida, take a look at our Fishing page for more information about the main destinations of Florida, fishing guides, charters, accommodations and more.

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