Zumba Exercise - The Truth About Zumba

Are you tired of the same old exercise program? Then you probably need to change things up in the fitness department. One of the hottest crazes to hit the exercise and weight loss scene is Zumba exercise. Read this article and discover the secrets of losing weight with dance exercises!

Since the 1990s when Beto Perez arrived in the United States, specifically Miami Florida the aerobic exercise industry has had a dramatic turn. Gone are the old boring hour-long cardio workouts. People are craving more fun, less drudgery and boredom in their work out programs. With more than 20,000 certified Zumba instructors around the globe, it's taken the world by storm and has become one of the hottest fitness trends in America today.

Some people refer to this as "Theme Workouts" they are not your mothers or fathers exercise routines. From Hula hooping to belly dancing for fitness the entire aerobic exercise industry has brought new excitement into the work out room.

However, you might be asking yourself ... What exactly is Zumba? It is a fusion of international, Latin music, and recently hip-hop that creates a fun, exciting, yet very effective fitness workout. Utilizing interval training it's revolutionized the aerobic workout community. Each Dance class is different from the previous one. Each song has a different tempo and beat, one song will be high-intensity, while the next will bring you to a low intensity. Using this method of working out has been scientifically validated to create the maximum fat and calorie burning. This has led to some incredible success stories of weight loss.

The main thing about Dance exercise is that it is fun. The company's motto is "Ditch the Workout Join the Party." The number one reason that most people quit their training programs is lack of motivation. Why is it that one day we decide to get in shape and the next day we quit? One answer is lack of variety; this is where it's very different. You could actually say that it is all about the music. It is the Zumba music that creates the exhilarating environment, the exciting dance moves and a fun party like atmosphere that makes it seem as if you are not working out at all!

This combination of music and easy to follow dance moves is what makes it so simple for anyone, even a brand-new beginner or a physically limited person to get back in shape utilizing Zumba exercise

Texas Tech

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