Florida Interstate routes

Florida roads consist of more than 18,000 km of highways, more than 2000 is part of the Interstate Highway System.

Florida Interstate routes

The main highways of Florida are:

The I-4, Tampa begins on the west coast, cutting east through Orlando Lakeland City and ends near Daytona Beach on the east coast. The I-4 cuts the I-75 outside of Tampa and I-95 near Daytona Beach. This is the main streetTo use if you travel between Orlando and Busch Gardens Tampa, both sides of the world class theme parks like Disney World. This interstate is the largest in the country, so take your time and drive carefully.

The I-10 interstate runs through the north of the state of Florida. This continues from I-10 from Alabama and Florida begins to Pensacola, flows through the Florida Panhandle through Tallahassee,Northern Florida and Lake City (where it meets I-75), to close at Jacksonville (where it meets the I-95).

I-75 is the longest interstate in Florida. It starts in Miami and travels to the west by the Everglades (aka Alligator Alley) to reach the city of Naples on the west coast. This section between Miami and Naples is a toll road. From here, north along the coast, past Fort Myers, Tampa (where it meets I-4), Ocala,Gainesville, Lake City (where it intersects I-10) and in northern Georgia.

I-95 runs the length of the Atlantic coast of Florida. From Miami, the leaders of the interstate north of Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Cocoa (near Cape Canaveral), Titusville, Daytona Beach (where it meets I-4 ), Jacksonville (where he met with the I-10), and North Georgia.

Other major routes

The historic U.S. Highway 1 started in1920, and 3825 km is the longest north-south highway in the USA! It begins in Key West, Florida Keys, runs to the east coast of Florida and the entire east coast of the United States to Canada. It covers a large part of the same area of the new and wider I-95, but the path is extended until the end of the Florida Keys.

The portion of U.S. Highway 1, which extends from the Florida Keys from the mainland along Florida and overseasHighway. This is to establish an extraordinary journey and Key West (USA southernmost continental city) is a nice place to visit.

98 delivered in the United States is from Alabama, through Pensacola and follows a scenic route along the south-east of Panama City.

The U.S. 41 begins in Miami, and then takes a different, more beautiful route through the Everglades over the aforementioned I-75.

Some Travel Tips

Apart from the fact that these'Theme Park Capital of the World "has Orlando as the" Car Capital of the World'. This is a good reason.

Orlando's central location provides easy access to the rest of Florida. However, this also means it can be very complete (both the city and its streets) in the summer. In this sense, if you are at the peak of the season on the road, you should leave the city as a base and somewhere KissimmeeThe airport is actually closer to Disney World and Orlando.

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