Family Fun at Miami Seaquarium

Often called "America's Riviera," Miami, Florida, is known for its clear blue waters, beaches and lively cosmopolitan atmosphere. But while many people are likely on vacation in Miami, spend their days and nights in Miami Beach in Miami's legendary clubs, there are a variety of family friendly attractions that offer the traveler an unforgettable experience. Miami Seaquarium, for example, is often used as a smallerVersion of SeaWorld Orlando and has attracted visitors in their droves since the first opening in 1955.

The over 15 acres, is Miami Seaquarium on Virginia Key in Biscayne Bay. It is a complete marine life park, its resources fully dedicated to the protection of aquatic organisms, while education visitors about them in the same period. Although the Miami Seaquarium was destroyed by Hurricane Wilma in 2005, she successfully returned to the senderand now offers a variety of marine life shows, exhibitions and learning facilities for visitors of all ages.

The Seaquarium is home to a number of marine mammals, but also houses sharks, fish, turtles, birds, reptiles and manatees. Taking their prize possessions are the dolphins, take in the daily show with Flipper. The Flipper Lagoon, known as the location for 1960 TV show "Flipper", sees dolphins tricks to lead music. In addition, MiamiSeaquarium is also very much for their water and Dolphin Exploration Program (calf), the visitors to touch and swim with dolphins in the Flipper Lagoon for up to two hours with a one-on-one trainer allows views.

The Killer Whale Show is also a central part of the Miami Seaquarium's repertoire. In it the visitor in a position to the antics of the stars in the marine park will be found attractive - the killer whale Lolita. Some controversy has the marine park because of the conditions surroundingLolita, which will be held, but the Seaquarium has managed to successfully defend himself against charges of animal cruelty. Until now, Miami Seaquarium also works on a range of conservation issues, particularly with regard to the endangered Florida manatee and the rehabilitation of injured marine animals.

If you visit Miami Seaquarium with children offers many opportunities for visitors to feed the marine animals that live there - an activity that are most childrensure to love! You will be able to buy small fish to feed the sea lions noise or even feed some big fish in a group of small sharks.

Holidaymakers are planning to visit Miami to find a number of flights to Miami from the UK on a regular basis. What is more, if you stay in a hotel in Miami, Miami Seaquarium easy to find - just take the Rickenbacker Causeway to Key Biscayne and you will be there in no time!

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