The Index Annuity - Retirement Income Plus Control

Fixed Index Annuities (FIA) - Growing Your Retirement Income

The fixed index annuity (FIA) leaves several options to collect retirement money - then there are some other ways to spend access to this money. New benefits are focused on the protection of your principle, while, consequently, higher interest rates on loans than traditional fixed annuities.

Think of this process as two phases of work at the same time. The "collection" phase and the "payout" phase. During the collection phaseIts most important deposit earns either a fixed rate or indexed rate. Understanding the rates are reset every 12 months and guaranteed for one year. In general, more than an index of height is offered by the insurance. For example, can the fixed interest rate is 3% now. The index prices vary depending on services such as a stock index, the S & P 500 Index or the Nasdaq Composite Index. Follow me here on this example.

Let us with 100,000 U.S. dollars as our deposit amount, together with the S & P 500 Index. If sharesPrices (index) up at least 8%, you earn credit an account of 8%. End of the first year you have $ 108,000. If two years has fallen by 12%, you still have $ 108,000, because we can not lose, essentially in a FIA. If three years, 11%, you still earn 8%, which is the "cap" is established, so that your account is now $ 116,640 will have. If four and five years of 12% and 5% on the S & P 500, you will receive 8% and 5%. Your account will end less than $ 132,270.

Now you are ready to begin the payments, and income.Its principle of money, $ 132,270, continue to collect and grow during the payout phase, you are not annuitizing your account. The issuing insurance guarantees you a minimum lifetime annual income in the years following a set timetable. This is important because if left on their own, we may need income or retreat, when interest rates are very low and then be forced to spend in your client too.

A company I use guarantees your income as follows:

Age at start ofPension plan: 60 with $ 100,000.

Years in the plan: 5 - Income is $ 6691 per year for 65 years.

Plan 10-years in income are $ 8881 per year for 70 years.

In percentage terms, that 6.7% and 8.8% - not bad in most of no interest or economic environment. Your income can never decrease. If you used the income, it can be equal, based on your age: at 65, get 5.5% guaranteed for life to get at 70, 6%, for life, etc. You do not have controlon the cumulative value of $ 132,270, you should wish to terminate the plan in subsequent years. And because your account is growing in the following years, your income could rise further. The withdrawal of 10% of the value of account are available each year.

In summary, do not exclude that offer fixed-index annuities for retirement and income while in retirement. Why not begin today. From ages are as low as 40 now, with a low minimum of $ 10,000 (IRAS).

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