The fast process

Fasting is the process abstained or for food and drink for a certain period. The reasons that people at different rates for religious reasons of personal conviction and for each individual is different.

There are three types of fasting, dry fasting, juice fasting and modified fasting. When one participates in dry fasting, it is the worst kind of fasting, drinking in which no food or water during the period of the fast are exhausted. Most people are able, during the last ten days dryFasting prior to the maximum with complications. Juice fasting allows the individual to consume water as well as pure fruit juices, that no artificial ingredients or refined sugar. Juice fasts are most popular, which will only be realized for weight loss and more popular, as are the benefits of fasting. Modified fasting only contains very few ingredients, such as steamed vegetables, consume water and natural juices and herbal teas.

Because glucose is the mainEnergy for the body when the body is deprived of glucose there is a loss in energy levels within the body. Blood sugar levels drop within the body, and thus expects the body to the liver, is strongly needed transforms glycogen, the glucose in the blood and then used to produce to produce energy.

Has to eat ten to twelve hours after the last or drink consumed, the body into a state called autolysis, search the body from the inside out fuel begins. TheCells that are targeted for energy and energy fat cells (a major reason that fasting has become so popular as a way to lose weight too quickly). Many toxins are stored in the fat cells of the body and when the fat cells used to produce energy.

The metabolic rate than decreased, because there is little food in the body. The heart rate is slowed to accommodate the lack of food, and return the blood pressure in the body. It is during this time that the fastingmay start, tired feeling.

Days after the start of fasting, the toxins to withdraw himself from the body. This can occur through the skin, urine, sweat, and stool. The body is in the process of using fat for its energy source, and the stored toxins in the fat cells are always released. That is, which is quickly successful, and the body is returned to its natural and pure state.

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