Do You Have a Sugar Daddy Or Sugar Mama?

Are you in a situation where your partner is much older but with their money you can do all of the things you like to do?  Is that wrong?  Does it make you happy and how do they feel about the situation?  Is there more to the relationship than the money and the age difference?  These are some of the things to consider when deciding if this type of relationship is right for you or not.  There is nothing inherently wrong with dating someone much older, provided you are both consenting adults, but you should be in the relationship for the right reasons.  There is also nothing wrong with dating someone with money as long as that is not the only thing you like about them.

A dating relationship should be mutually satisfying and enjoyable.  The end goal is to find someone to spend your life with, but this takes time exploring different relationships to see what does and doesn't work for you.  Dating an older person with money has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, and you should consider both before jumping into the relationship.  You should certainly never date anyone just for their money because that will not make you happy in the end, even though it is a nice bonus if you find someone you get along well with.

In fairness to the other person, they deserve to be in a relationship with someone who appreciates them for who they are and not just what they can do for them.  Money is a nice benefit, but what difference does it make how expensive the dinner is if you are not enjoying the company?  Dating an older person has its drawbacks, since they may not enjoy the same music, movies and activities you do and their experience may be so vastly different from your own that it may be difficult to find things in common to talk about.

There are many advantages to dating an older person as well.  They are usually more experienced and better know how to behave in a relationship, if not it usually shows more quickly, and you can head straight for the exit.  The older person is usually more self-assured and comfortable in their own skin, which can help you feel more at ease and make being around them more enjoyable. 

Dating an older person with money has many advantages since you can take off and enjoy a fun vacation at a moment's notice, and you don't have to deal with the stress of unpaid bills causing arguments.  They will often buy you expensive clothes and jewelry and even help you pay your bills, which can make your life much easier.  The thing to keep in mind is that while all of this is very nice, it isn't what your relationship should be based on.  You need to be legitimately attracted to the person and enjoy being together for this to be the right thing to do.  Having a sugar mama or a sugar daddy can be enjoyable, but having a good relationship is priceless.

Phoenix University

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