Florida Attractions - Busch Gardens, Tampa Bay

Busch Gardens is certainly a very strong appeal for Tampa Bay, as it is a great zoo to meet with some of the best roller coaster you are united. Large over 300 hectares and the area's largest theme park attracts large crowds. Although the theme park atmosphere, the real stars of the thousands of animals are about African-style environments.

Despite the mammoth size of the ticket price is a trip to Busch Gardens is worth it. You should probably pay $ 16 more forPerson for a pass the next day, which entitles them to visit the next day. Consider a combined ticket to Busch Gardens and Adventure Iceland.

Stop at the Visitor Information Center (813-985-3601; 3601E Busch Blvd, 10-5: 30pm Mon-Sat, Sun at 2:00) at the park discount tickets for time and money.

You can use the Skyride cable car as a tour guide. The hospitality center overlooking the Plain Serengety a Welcome Center, wherecan get a free 10 oz cup of beer, Anheuser-Busch. The Budweiser Clydesdale Clydesdale Hamlet has horses.

In general, the lines are much shorter than their counterparts in Orlando on a day of high season, you will probably only 10 minutes of waiting for one. Under the theme show, performances and craft demonstrations take place several times a day and change frequently. Check at the box office for all events and activities daily. The same applies to animal interacts with alligators,Elephants, turtles, orangutans, tigers and warthogs, occurring in different places of the park

In addition, to remain in the process, ahead of the curve, the park is always inventing new attractions and themed areas. Check the gate. Not a few of the rides are height limits ranging from 42 inches to 56 inches. Plan to spend all day at Busch Gardens.

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